Volvo FH 540 Holztrans. mit Penz 12Z9 Holzkran

It is available for 49990 Euro.

Check the technical data of the unit, picked out from the catalog of VOLVO FH 540 Timber truck.

offers excellent transport solutions for business and individual needs.

The production year is 2014.

Gross Vehicle Weight: 26000 kg.

Engine/driveline: Euro 6, diesel, displacement: 12777 cc, 551 hp, gearbox: manual, retarder/intarder.

Wheel formula and suspension type: 6x4, 3-axle, ABS, ESP - electronic stability control, trailer coupling.

Cab comforts include cab type: sleeper cab, air conditioner, parking heater, cruise control.

Body: loading length: 6200 mm.

The mileage is 775000 km.

The parking site is in Germany.

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